Traditionally aging has been viewed as a physiological and unavoidable process. However, recently experts in lifestyle medicine (such as Renew Health & Wellness) have proven that we do not have to accept aging as an unalterable process of decline and loss.
Women’s Aging and Hormone Replacement
More than 1 million women in the United States go through menopause each year. With age comes a diminished capacity for cellular protein synthesis, a decline in immune function, an increase in fat mass, a loss of muscle mass and strength, and a decrease in bone mineral density. (Biomedicine, 2000 Jan: 3(1): 6-7).
A 2022 survey found that 4 in 10 women report menopause symptoms that have been disruptive enough to interfere with their work performance at least on a weekly basis.
However, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement has proven to be very successful in protecting patients from the adverse effects of aging. Along with a comprehensive exercise program and healthy diet, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement can increase your lean muscle mass, improve your cholesterol levels, lower your blood pressure, prevent and/or reverse Type 2 Diabetes, help you lose fat, increase your energy, mood and libido!
Misconceptions – What to Believe
Two decades have passed since the misinformation concerning hormone replacement therapy first started to spread, but sadly people remain woefully uninformed about hormone treatments. Although now significantly reanalyzed, the federally funded Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), released in 2002, showed that hormone replacement therapy led to increased risks for heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer. But further analysis showed the opposite: Hormonal therapies have a helpful effect on cardiovascular and bone health and generally reduce risk of death in younger women or those in the early postmenopausal period. The limited sample size and demographics in the 2002 study did a major injustice to the topic of HRT.
Stephanie Faubion, MD, medical director for The North American Menopause Society and director of Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health asserts, “Treating with low-dose estrogen isn’t a radical approach – in fact, it is the standard of care for women experiencing many menopause symptoms. But the topic does have nuance and some people get lost in the specifics.”
Some in the medical community feel that this misinformation has not only been damaging but even led to unnecessary deaths.
At Renew Health & Wellness, we offer completely personalized, safe and effective medical interventions including long term Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in order to delay the aging process and to allow people to live longer while experiencing exceptional health, wellness, & renewed vitality.
Take this quick analysis to see if your hormones are affecting your health.
Call us today and let us help you…CHANGE YOUR LIFE. (502) 882-4252