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Our Services

At Renew we take a holistic approach to health.

As we age, our bodies stop producing a variety of critical hormones. The side effects of these deficiencies include fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, inability to lose weight, abnormal weight gain, muscle weakness, joint pain, loss of libido, difficulty with concentration, memory loss and problems with blood sugar.

Nurse Practitioner Stephanie Mora, our Hormone Specialist, is certified by The Academy for Preventive and Innovative Medicine by Worldlink Medical. We love to educate patients on how to live a healthier life, control their weight, tips on how to eat to thrive and more. Scroll down to learn more.

Overheard in Our Office...
“I’ve never had a healthcare provider spend this much time with me or explain things in such detail to help me understand my current health & how I can easily improve it.”

Holistic Direct Primary Care Program

Our innovative approach to care treats the entire patient and not just “one complaint at a time”.  Our model allows us to focus on overall wellness. Because the care we provide is not dictated by insurance companies, we can devote the time and attention you deserve in order to optimize all elements of your health.  These programs include ongoing treatment for medical conditions, specialist referrals, unlimited sick visits 24/7, exercise physiologist led fitness classes, nutrition counseling, etc.

There is no need for you to go to a commercial lab & sit and wait to have your labs drawn. You can have your labs drawn right here in our office at your convenience.

Hormone Replacement & Rejuvenation

As we age, our hormone levels decline, which often causes a decreased sense of well being, fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, weight gain, anxiety, depression, loss of sex drive & sexual dysfunction, and many other common symptoms associated with the aging process. Ultimately, lower levels of hormones are also associated with the diseases of aging, such as coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, and certain cancers. 

Having typical hormone levels for your age is not optimal for overall good health and well being.  Our hormone specialist optimizes your hormone levels to help you return to your healthiest, most energetic self. 

Vampire (TM) O-shot using PRP –  (for women) A quick & painless non-surgical procedure which decreases female incontinence, improves vaginal tone and decreases vaginal atrophy, but has the additional benefit of enhancing a woman’s sexual pleasure.

Vampire(TM) Priapus Shot using PRP – (for men) A safe & painless non-surgical procedure which promotes tissue growth to decrease erectile dysfunction, improve blood flow and overall sexual performance and orgasms.

Our hormone specialist can help you with these therapies.

There is no need for you to go to a commercial lab & sit and wait to have your labs drawn. You can have your labs drawn right here in our office at your convenience.

Aesthetic Services & Cosmetic Procedures

Botox and Dysport decrease muscle movement reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Restylane, Kysse & Juvederm restore volume, smooth lines and wrinkles, and enhance your natural facial contours.


A non-surgical procedure of a specialized injectable used to target fat loss in certain areas of the chin and neck.  This tackles the dreaded double chin!

A revolutionary therapeutic approach in regenerative medicine used for a variety of conditions, from sports injuries & arthritis to hair loss & cosmetic procedures. The treatment uses a patient’s own blood cells to accelerate healing & regeneration in a simple in-office procedure.  

Vampire (TM) – Facial This procedure can be useful for those who have scars, wrinkles, age spots, large pores, sun damage, etc. By reintroducing a patient’s own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) back into their skin via microneedling, cell turnover is encouraged, which leads to an increase of collagen and elastin production. Your skin will look more youthful – smoother, tighter and fuller.  Results typically begin to appear about two weeks after the procedure, with the final outcome continuing to develop over the next several weeks or months.

Vampire (TM) Facelift – Similar to a vampire facial, the vampire facelift is a non-surgical procedure that involves combining PRP therapy with another cosmetic treatment to treat a variety of age-related skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, tired-looking skin, scars, and more. However, a vampire facelift has several important differences when compared to the vampire facial.  We will strategically use injectable dermal fillers – such as Restylane (TM), Lyft (TM), Juvederm (TM) – to restore lost volume in the face, effectively building up a more youthful, refreshed, and appealing facial structure for the PRP to work with. While patients will enjoy an immediate improvement in the contour of their face, thanks to the dermal filler injections, the full effects of a vampire facelift may take several weeks or months to develop as the PRP growth factors continue to help build healthy, younger, firmer skin.


A revolutionary therapeutic approach in regenerative medicine used for a variety of conditions, from sports injuries & arthritis to hair loss & cosmetic procedures. The treatment uses a patient’s own blood cells to accelerate healing & regeneration in a simple in-office procedure.  

Vampire (TM) Hair Growth Treatments – PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for hair loss is now the latest trend in hair regrowth treatment. It is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes the stem cells and growth factors from a patient’s own blood to trigger the growth of hair from resting or miniaturized hair follicles. Numerous studies have shown that using PRP can be an effective therapeutic option for anyone experiencing hair loss, and is even able to treat hair loss conditions that have in the past been very difficult to treat. 

Exercise Physiologist & Nutrition Counseling

All Primary Care and HRT patients will also be under the care of our expert Exercise Physiologist, Missy Thomas.  Working in concert with our hormone specialist, she will lead & educate patients on how to obtain their fitness and nutrition goals.  These patients will also have access to our in-house gym facility (during designated class times) as well as online fitness classes to help them become the healthiest versions of themselves.

Weight Loss Program

As a small medical practice dedicated to helping our patients age as healthily as possible, utilizing the most up-to-date treatments, sound nutrition, and fitness education, we will not offer any program to our patients that has not first changed our own lives in a positive way. 

Through our own trials, errors, & personal successes, we are excited to say that we’re now sharing our own personal weight loss program with everyone!

This program utilizes the latest breakthrough in obesity medication paired with personal education and support.  The program is appropriate for any level of weight loss needed.   Click here for details on this life-changing program.

hormone specialist
Health & Wellness Louisville